This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Heart Prep for Sunday, September 11th

This Sunday, we’re continuing in our new series on 1st & 2nd Peter which I’ve entitled “Embracing Exile.”  The Apostle Peter is writing to a church which is undergoing intense suffering.  So you would expect him to write words of comfort and reassurance.  But it doesn’t seem that’s what he does.

Instead, he reminds these exiles, these refugees that they are different from everyone around them.  But he doesn’t tell them to blend in, rather, he tells them to emphasize being different!  And he wants them to know that following Jesus means being different — it means being holy.  Because holiness is how we live out the gospel and best represent our God, and so that’s where we start this week.  We’ll be looking at “Embracing Holiness” from 1 Peter 1:13-25.

Now, like the word “sin”, “holiness” is not a word that’s used very much anymore.  Most people equate “holiness” with not being able to have any fun.  It may be expected, but it’s not something we want to embrace.  And yet, that’s what Peter tells them (and us) to do. 

So, why holiness?  How do we get it?  Is it really that important?  And can I get it and still have some fun?  Should be interesting, see you Sunday!  Dr. Dave