If this is your first time visiting Potomac Hills or you’ve come before and are interested in finding out more, welcome! We hope you’re warmly greeted with the love of Christ. We realize that new situations can be difficult and visiting a new church for the first time can make anyone feel a little bit uncomfortable, but our desire is to help you find the joy of community and worship that we have found here.
Whether you’ve recently relocated to our area and are looking for a church with a heart for the truth and a love for people, or you find yourself in the early stages of your spiritual search, I hope that the information on these pages will help you in making a connection with God and His people. We want you to know that we’re available for you — to answer questions, to help you connect to others, and to be an encouragement — as you learn more about Potomac Hills and seek to find if God is leading you here to be a part of this community of believers.
Potomac Hills is an established congregation in the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America), committed to the Great Commission (to make disciples of the nations, starting in Loudoun County, Virginia) and the Great Commandment (to love God and love our neighbors). We believe the Bible is true, the gospel is the power of God to seek and save His people, and that the Word of God preached and taught is God's primary means of building up His people and reaching those who don’t know Him yet. From children to teens to adults, from preaching to Sunday School to Community Groups, and in serving our community, we intend everything to be saturated with the Word of God.
Whether you’re exploring the Christian faith for the first time or looking to be built up in your faith, we’re delighted to have you come as you are and join us for worship. I trust you'll find, as I have, that Potomac Hills is a warm and welcoming church family. We’re glad you’re here.
The Reverend Dr. David V. Silvernail, Jr.
Senior Pastor
The below video (filmed in 2010) will show you a little bit about our church!