This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

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Realm is Potomac Hills’ private online network. It's how we communicate with each other about the church and events, and get connected through community groups. Rather than encouraging virtual community, the purpose of Realm is to enhance actual relationships within the church. Community groups use Realm to share prayer requests, the church uses Realm to announce upcoming events, members use Realm to exchange goods and services; As a church, this tool has allowed us to take better care of our people, and to help them take care of one another.

Realm is open to anyone who attends Potomac Hills—Christians and non-Christians, members and newcomers, young and old. In addition to joining a community group, participating in Realm is one of the primary ways we encourage people to connect with the Potomac Hills family.


To Sign Up For Realm

  • Email: akpogany(at) and say "Sign Me Up," and you will receive an email invitation to join Realm.

If you already have a Realm account, click on the link below and sign in.