Potomac Hills Ruling Elders (RE's) - session(at)potomachills.org
Mark Rist - mrist (at) potomachills.org
- Became A Ruling Elder - 1994
- Married and has 3 adult children
- Works for the Handy House Husbands, LLC
Frank Pugh - fpugh (at) potomachills.org
- Became A Ruling Elder - 2005
- Married and has 4 adult children
- Works for Smith & Pugh, PLC
Tom Gardner - tgardner (at) potomachills.org
- Became A Ruling Elder - 2017
- Married and has 4 children
- Works for Mercer Middle School
Ron Clifton - rclifton (at) potomachills.org
- Became a Ruling Elder - 2019
- Married with 2 adult children
- Works for The Aerospace Corporation
Wade Baker - wbaker (at) potomachills.org
- Became A Ruling Elder - 2024
- Married and has 5 children