There is a nursery for both Sunday School and the worship service located off the hallway on the right side of the auditorium. Babies and toddlers through age 3 are welcome. The nursery is always staffed by at least two members during Sunday School and three members during the worship service.
Children's Church
Children's Church is for children ages 3 through 6 and is held during the worship service. Just before the sermon, these children are invited to the front for a children's prayer time. They are then dismissed to Children's Church, where they can learn more about God and His Word and have some room to "wiggle."
There are two Children's Church classes: one for 3-4 year olds, and the other for 5-6 year olds. Each class follows a curriculum that is especially suited to young children. Right now, we are using David C. Cook as our Children's Church curriculum.
Our Child Protection Policy: (click here)