- We are committed to seeing lives changed by the Gospel of God's Grace, for the Glory of God. We believe that these theme verses give us the priorities we need to follow to pursue the Lord's purpose for His church: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 12: 29-31, Proverbs 19:21, Ephesians 4:12-13, Romans 15:5-6, and 2 Peter 3:18.
- We believe that we are called to follow a relational model of ministry. We seek to change the lives of our people so that the fruit of their changed lives will influence the lives of people outside the church. Through the Holy Spirit, this becomes a continual, repeating process.
2.1 Priorities for the Session (Pastors and Elders) of the Church:
- The Pastors and Elders are called to be shepherds of people's souls, caring for their day-to-day spiritual growth through ministering the word of God, praying for them, and administering the Sacraments. We seek to build relationships that encourage growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. The purpose and ministries of the church and the elders are clearly set forth in Scripture, and we lead in submission to the Holy Spirit as He applies God's Word to each of our lives. Elders teach the biblical process of growth in grace and shepherd the people to trust and follow God's purposes as they are revealed in His Word.
2.2 Priorities for the People of the Church:
- We are all called to build relationships, first with God, then with each other and those outside of the church. We place a high value on the process of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, which in God's providence may lead to numerical growth. The true measure of success is seen in changed lives--increased godliness and unity in Christ--not just in numbers of people on Sunday morning.
2.3 Priorities for the Ministries of the Church:
- We believe the ministries of the church will reflect the people God has drawn into our church and how He has gifted them. We want to encourage, equip, and enable people to work out of their God-given gifts; supporting them in the ministries to which God has called them as He provides the people and resources for those ministries. We believe that ministry flows out of relationships, and comes from the people of the church as they grow in the Lord.
- We believe there are five steps in growing in grace. The first two steps focus on building our relationship with God while the last three focus on our relationships with people.
First step: Grace in Worship.
- Real worship is the primary means to meet with God as one body, joyfully beginning and growing in our relationship with Him as we repent of our sins, offer Him our thanks and praise, hear His Word, and receive His Grace (Psalm 107:31-32).
The second step: Grace in Learning.
- God builds up His people through the ministry of God's Word, prayer,and the Sacraments so we will have a clear understanding of who we are in Christ, what God has given us in Christ, and what God expects of us through Christ.
- We take both of these steps by engaging in our Sunday worship services, the Lord's Supper, Sunday School classes, and small groups.
The third step: Grace in Fellowship.
- People build relationships in the church through Bible studies, prayer groups, church picnics and dinners, and personal hospitality.
The fourth step: Grace in Service.
- People who serve Christ are committed to the ministry of the church, take an active role in church activities, and use their spiritual gifts to serve others. There are many ways to serve the body at Potomac Hills, from setting up the stage and classrooms on Sunday morning to teaching Sunday School or a Bible study.
The fifth step: Grace in Outreach.
- We build relationships with people outside the church by showing them the love of Christ and seeking them out. We invite them to be a part of our lives, individually and as a church, through personal hospitality, small groups, and seasonal events.
For the full Identity Statement, click here.