This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

What are Community Groups?  

  • They are safe places where we can learn and grow together in close community.  Community Groups meet and serve people where they live so they can better care for each other in this fast-paced county.  They meet during the school year and generally take a break during the summer.

Why join a Community Group?

  1. Connecting with people takes place in the context of relationships. Community Groups will seek to create a “safe space” where folks can get to know each other better and develop friendships.
  2. Spiritual Growth takes place in the context of relationships. Community Groups provide a place where we can encourage each other, struggle together, and challenge one another in applying the Bible to our hearts and real life.
  3. Ministry takes place in the context of relationships. Community Groups are just as much about giving than receiving. Community Groups will give folks the opportunities to both share their needs and to minister to the needs of other church members.
  4. Prayer is a key element. Praying together helps people build relationships with each other. Take some time to pray for each other and remind people to pray for each other during the week as well.

 How do I join a Community Group?

  • Sign-ups are through Realm, or you can contact Rev. Silvernail (dsilvernail(at) and he can help get you connected to the group that makes sense for you (location, childcare, schedule).