Pastoral Counseling: All of our pastors are available for personal, or family counseling. Please contact us if you would like to meet with one of our pastors. Email: info(at)
Prayer: Our pastors and elders meet monthly specifically to pray for the members of our congregation. An email goes out monthly asking for prayer requests. If you would like to be prayed for, or would like to submit a prayer request, please email: fwang(at)
Visitation: If you or someone you know is in the hospital or at home and in need of a pastor or an elder, please call 703.771.1534.
Weddings: All of our pastors are licensed and available to officiate weddings. One of the requirements to have a pastor officiate a wedding is that you go through pre-marital counseling with one of them (or someone else that you both agree on) in advance. Email: info(at)
Funerals: Death and grief are difficult, intense, and complex. Potomac Hills desires to care for our church family during such times of loss. Please call 703.771.1534 for arrangements.