This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Heart Prep for Sunday, February 3rd

I hope you got a lot out of our guest preachers the last two weeks. Paul Hahn from Mission to North America is a great, dynamic guy who reminded us how to strive to be a flourishing church, and Jegar Chinnavan, the church planter, reminded us that we have, and can share with others, the glory of the one and only God.

We'll be back preaching in Jeremiah this Sunday and we hear that a big, evil nation is coming to get the people. But enough about the New England Patriots, we should probably talk about what's happening in the pages of Jeremiah. I've been assigned three whole chapters for this Sunday - Jeremiah 14-16 - but I'm only going to be selecting parts of those chapters. It would be great for you to read all three chapters to get the bigger picture. 

One of the sections I'll be covering speaks directly to something that we all feel when we're trying to live out a Christian witness in a society that generally doesn't want to hear it: we feel lonely or discouraged, we encounter opposition and scorn, and want to give up or give in. Jeremiah felt this acutely, as I'm sure all prophets and true followers of God have felt it through the ages. God will answer Jeremiah in the middle of these chapters, in the middle of all the doom and gloom, and it's a message of hope that we can hold on to as well. See you Sunday! - Rev. Dorst