The Prophet's Land Deal (Jeremiah 32:1-44)
May 12, 2019 Speaker: Dr. David Silvernail Series: Jeremiah - Faithful Living in a Fallen World
Topic: Sermons Passage: Jeremiah 32:1–44
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Well, this week we’ll be looking at “The Prophet’s Land Deal” from Jeremiah 32. The exile is almost upon them, the enemy is camped at the door, everything looks hopeless, and so God tells Jeremiah that he should go buy a plot of land. At first glance, the timing is so bad it just may be the worst land deal in the Bible. It’s akin to buying oceanfront property in Arizona (to quote an old country song). Why in the world would God tell Jeremiah to do something so dumb? Well, hopefully after eight months in Jeremiah, we’ve learned that God always has a plan, even if we can’t see it, and it’s a plan for our good, even if it makes no sense to us at first.
Thanks to Ron Clifton for preaching last Sunday on “The Prophet’s New Covenant” from Jeremiah 31:31-40. Please plan on coming to our congregational meeting on Sunday, May 19th to hear Ron’s testimony and call to the office of Ruling Elder, ask him some (easy) questions, and then conduct our officer election. And ladies, don’t forget about the Women’s Retreat this Saturday on with Elizabeth Garn on the topic of her new book, “Shattered: Breaking Free of the Image of Good to Become the Image of God.”
And Sunday is Mother’s Day! Dad’s and kids — don’t forget! Seriously, this is a wonderful day and it’s good and right for us to honor mothers. The Bible calls us to do so, and Jesus does so with his own mother. However, we must recognize though that many women find this day almost unbearable. This is not because these women are (necessarily) bitter or covetous or envious. The day is simply a reminder of unfulfilled longing or painful memories. So it’s not just a day to celebrate, but a day to be sensitive and kind. And most of us could use a little more kindness in our lives.
See you Sunday! It’s going to be another great day. And … I get to quote a baseball movie – how awesome is that! See you then, Dr. Dave
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