A Better Discipline (Hebrews 12:3-17)
June 7, 2015 Speaker: Geoff Sackett Series: Jesus Is Better - A Series on the Book of Hebrews
Topic: Sermons Passage: Hebrews 12:3–12:17
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Hey all, I'll be away a lot for the next few weeks. The PCA's annual General Assembly is coming up the week of June 8th. This year we're meeting in Chattanooga, Tenn. As always there will be lots of debate (we are, after all, Presbyterians), lots of catching up with old friends (usually combined with a lot of eating, we are, after all, Presbyterians) and a great need for a lot of prayer (there will be a prayer guide in this Sunday's bulletin). Mostly pray for a spirit of unity and understanding. My friend Dr. Sean Michael Lucas (who wrote the book some of you will be studying this summer) has recently written a great article on "The Way of Cruciform Friendship" ( http://www.reformation21.org/ blog/2015/05/the-way-of- cruciform-friendshi.php ) which lays out a way for people to get along even though they disagree. Essentially he says that #JesusisBetter than our theological debates. I recommend it to you highly.
While I'm away, we have the privilege of having our own Geoff Sackett bring God's Word to us this Sunday from Hebrews 12. Geoff is the Dean of Students at Reformed Theological Seminary / Washington, DC and teaches in the areas of Philosophy, Ethics, and Sanctification -- all of which he gets to put into practice with his four children. Geoff a Candidate under Care of Potomac Presbytery and is pursuing a Ph.D in Theology from Catholic University in Washington, DC. We love having he and Heather here at Potomac Hills.
Additionally, this Sunday marks the first Sunday for our Summer Sunday School. The Adult Class will be combined and will begin a summer long journey through 1 & 2 Peter. I hope you can make it.
Finally, as some of you may know, our own Erin Rist is getting married on Sunday to Ryan Corder. The wedding will be in Charleston, SC and I'm sure the entire Rist family would appreciate your prayers.
That's all for now. I'll be back to wrap up Hebrews the last half of June. See you then, Dr. Dave

More in Jesus Is Better - A Series on the Book of Hebrews
June 28, 2015
A Better Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20-25)June 21, 2015
A Better Conscience (Hebrews 13:1-19)June 14, 2015
A Better Kingdom (Hebrews 12:18-29)