Being Ready for the King's Return (Matthew 24:36-51)
July 6, 2014 Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew
Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 24:36–24:51
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This week, Jesus continues to tell us about his Second Coming, as he addresses the disciples' question of: "When?" The certainty of his return already confronts us with whether we are prepared for it, but the uncertainty of exactly when he will return also forces each one of us to wrestle with the question: "Am I ready?" Your answer will either be a source of comfort or the clang or a warning bell for your soul.
But what does it mean to be ready for Jesus' return? Does the answer look any different for unbelievers than for believers in Jesus? We'll talk about these things and more this Sunday!
See you then! Pastor Tom
More in The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew
October 26, 2014
The Commission of the King (Matthew 28:16-20)October 19, 2014
The Resurrection of the King (Matthew 28:1-15)October 12, 2014
All is Lost (Matthew 27:57-66)