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Sermons by Rev. Tom Rubino
Back to Sermon ArchiveMarch 1, 2015
A Better Sabbath (Hebrews 4:1-13)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: Jesus Is Better - A Series on the Book of Hebrews Topic: Sermons Passage: Hebrews 4:1–4:13
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December 21, 2014
A Son is Given: A Son of Mary (Luke 1:26-38)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: A Son Is Given Topic: Sermons Passage: Luke 1:26–1:38
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November 2, 2014
A Bride Worth Protecting (Titus 1:1-16)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: Sound Leaders, Sound Doctrine - A Series in the Book of Titus Topic: Sermons Passage: Titus 1:1–1:16
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October 5, 2014
The Love of the Forsaken King (Matthew 27:45-56)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 27:45–27:56
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September 7, 2014
Kingdom Cowards Resting in our Courageous King (Matthew 26:69-75)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 26:69–26:75
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August 3, 2014
What Is Jesus Worth? (Matthew 26:1-16)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 26:1–26:16
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July 6, 2014
Being Ready for the King's Return (Matthew 24:36-51)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 24:36–24:51
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May 18, 2014
Kingdom Shock That Should Have Led To Kingdom Awe (Matthew 22:15-22, 41-46)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 22:15-22–22:41-46
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February 9, 2014
The King's Assertion (Matthew 17:24-27)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 17:24–17:27
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November 10, 2013
The Worth of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:44-58)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 13:44–13:58
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October 13, 2013
Kingdom Sower, Kingdom Seeds (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 13:1–13:23
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June 26, 2013
The Hope of the Kingdom (Matthew 9:18-26)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 9:18–9:26
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April 21, 2013
The Gifts of the Kingdom (Matthew 7:7-12)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 7:7–7:12
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February 10, 2013
The Influence of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:13-16)
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 5:13–5:16
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October 7, 2012
A Supreme Dying, Colossians 3
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The Supremacy of Christ - A Series in the Book of Colossians Topic: Sermons Passage: Colossians 3:5–3:11
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August 12, 2012
A Supreme Prayer, Colossians 1
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The Supremacy of Christ - A Series in the Book of Colossians Topic: Sermons Passage: Colossians 1:9–1:14
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July 22, 2012
Final Words... Final Faith, Genesis 49-50
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis Topic: Sermons Passage: Genesis 49:1–50:14
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February 12, 2012
Wrestling With God, Genesis 32
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis Topic: Sermons Passage: Genesis 32:22–32:32
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October 16, 2011
Promise and Purchase, Genesis 23
Speaker: Rev. Tom Rubino Series: The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis Topic: Sermons Passage: Genesis 23:1–23:20
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