The Completion of the Lord's Work (Exodus 39:1-43)
August 21, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Dave Dorst Series: Exodus - The Glory of the Lord
Topic: Sermons Passage: Exodus 39:1–43
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We sure had a blast this past Saturday at the Church Retreat! Thanks to all who came out and braved the heat, especially my planning team – Claire Gardner, Andrew Lastova, and David Behrens. There was a great spirit among those who participated, it was a great opportunity to get to know each other better. And now we know that the Purple Decathlon team starts poorly but ends up dominating by the end… Meadowkirk was a great host, the food was stellar, childcare worked well, and everything went as planned. Thanks, family!
As I was visiting the Martin Guitar factory in Nazareth, PA last week, I was struck by how precise and exacting the craftsmanship on one of their guitars is. From choosing the right wood to following the design for the body and the neck, to getting the fret board and tuning pegs just right, it’s a fascinating process. I was reminded that even as our culture has become a bit of a “disposable, fast-food, mass produced art” culture, there is still a great desire and respect for quality craftsmanship. Which, of course, reminded me of the great craftsmanship that God put to work on the tabernacle in these later chapters of Exodus that we’re preaching through. God gifted His people to build and create so that they would have something to give back to Him; and He’s still doing that today – delighting in the work of our hands that He equipped us for and commissions us to labor for Him.
I’m on vacation this week, enjoying exploring Quebec City as well as our usual spot in Southern Maine. But I’ll be back just in time to grab my Bible and my notes and preach through Exodus 39 this Sunday. See you Sunday, -Dave

More in Exodus - The Glory of the Lord
August 28, 2016
The Glory of the Lord (Exodus 40:1-38)August 14, 2016
The Construction for the Lord (Exodus 35:1-38:31)August 7, 2016
The Covenant Renewed (Exodus 34:1-35)