The Judgement of the King (Matthew 11:20-24)
August 25, 2013 Speaker: Dr. David Silvernail Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew
Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 11:20–11:24
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We missed being with everyone this past month. As some of you know Joanne & I have done some traveling -- we started by flying out of BWI to St. Louis, Missouri to be with our daughter Sarah (who's expecting) and her family. We stayed with Mark & Margaret Barber - they're doing well and send their best! Then we helped Andy, Sarah, & James move from St. Louis to Baton Rouge, Louisiana -- a 12 hour drive (and it was hot!) -- where Andy is starting a new job! Then, while Joanne stayed to help them settle in to their new house, I flew home (New Orleans to Chicago to Dulles) for a few days to be with Sam while he had his wisdom teeth removed, after which I headed to the beach with our daughter Rebecca (who's also expecting), picking up Joanne, who flew in the next day (New Orleans to Houston to Charleston, SC). We did get to visit with Erin Rist, who's our missionary with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship at the College of Charleston, and she's doing very well and misses you all. All in all, a very busy month! Whew!!! And now we're home recovering from all this traveling.
I heard great reports about all the sermons while I was gone, including a letter from another PCA Pastor who visited and wrote to tell me that you are a very warm and gracious congregation! I couldn't agree more! This week I'm back in the pulpit and we're in Matthew 11:20-24 where we'll be looking at some very hard words of Jesus. It sounds pretty condemning, and is somewhat unexpected coming from Jesus. But Jesus does say a lot of surprising things, and there's much for us to learn from these "harsh words." I hope you'll be there this Sunday to hear more!
Last, but not least, the Adult Bible Class is finishing up our summer journey through the Minor Prophets and this Sunday we're going through the book of Malachi. Many thanks to Philip Pugh for teaching this summer and don't forget to pray for him as he leaves soon for Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary! Starting next week we're going to look at what God has to teach us through the historical books of 1 & 2 Kings as we begin the new Sunday School year. Looking forward to another great Sunday!
See you then, Dr. Dave

More in The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew
October 26, 2014
The Commission of the King (Matthew 28:16-20)October 19, 2014
The Resurrection of the King (Matthew 28:1-15)October 12, 2014
All is Lost (Matthew 27:57-66)