This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

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Heart Prep for Christmas Day

Christmas is upon us, and Advent is drawing to a close. And as we finish up Colossians chapter 1 by looking at verses 24-29, there is this sense that the wait is finally coming to an end. Christmas Day is almost here. But our wait for Christ to come is obviously different from the wait that Mary and Joseph endured so long ago. Now, we know that Christ has come, and that He...

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Heart Prep for the Fourth Sunday in Advent

This Sunday's sermon will be the fourth and penultimate sermon in our advent series The Indescribable Gift. In this sermon, titled "Christ, Our Reconciliation" we will be looking into the importance that Jesus Christ has for the church as the one who reconciles between God and man. The last three weeks' passages have emphasized the identity of Jesus Christ as our Gospel, ...

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Heart Prep for the Third Sunday in Advent

We're moving into week three of our Advent Series on The Indescribable Gift. However, that title is a little bit of a misnomer, because Colossians One is trying to do just that describe Jesus since He is the gift. Perhaps it's indescribable because the Apostle Paul uses so many different terms, different theological concepts, different titles, and different goals in refe...

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Heart Prep for the Second Sunday in Advent

For the rest of Advent, we're looking at Colossians One. I urge you to read the chapter all the way through each week, and not just the passage that's coming up, but the whole chapter, and that way we'll all really learn it this month, because there's no higher picture of Christ than in Colossians One. Last week, we looked at "Jesus, Our Gospel." And so this week, we'll b...

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Heart Prep for the First Sunday in Advent

The Indescribable Gift

For the next four Sundays leading up to Christmas, we're going to look at Colossians One. I urge you to read the chapter all the way through each week, and not just the passage that's coming up, but the whole chapter, and that way we'll all really learn it this month, because there's no higher picture, no loftier view, no more penetrating portrait of Christ than in Colossi...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, November 20th

It's hard to believe that Advent is right around the corner. I really encourage you to spend some time this weekend meditating on Advent and to write a devotional to share with the rest of the church family. We did this back in 2016, and it was wonderful to hear from and be pointed to Jesus by the whole body of Christ. Send in your devotionals to Andrea Pogany by this Sund...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, November 13th

Judgment Day

What do you think of when you hear the words, "Judgment Day"? Does your mind immediately go to the "End of the world as we know it" lyrics (it's a Classic Rock song, just ask Frank Wang)? Perhaps (like me) you picture the "Terminator" movie (if you haven't seen it, just ask Frank). For some of our younger folks, it's more likely to be "Avengers: Infinity War" (again, if yo...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, November 6th

True False

This Sunday, we've come to one of the hardest, and most negative, parts of the New Testament. 2nd Peter, chapter 2 contains a hard-hitting denunciation of false teachers. It has some of the strongest language in the New Testament. But remember, the Apostle Peter is writing about the essential truths he wants his original readers (and us) to know. So why is this warning ab...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, October 30th

This Sunday, we're starting the Book of 2nd Peter, and it's quite different from 1st Peter. When Peter writes this letter, he's nearing the end of his life and has a few things he wants to say before he's gone. It seems as if he's trying to be both encouraging and challenging at the same time. We'll be looking at 2 Peter 1:1-21 and his exhortation to embrace diligence. How...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, October 23d

This Sunday, while we're continuing our series on 1st 2nd Peter up until Advent, we are coming to the end of 1st Peter. And Peter wraps up this book by addressing many of the issues these suffering Christians were forced to deal with. They were dealing with church leaders some who belonged and some who didn't. They were dealing with spiritual attacks coming from Satan. ...

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