This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Heart Prep for Sunday, November 13th

Judgment Day

What do you think of when you hear the words, “Judgment Day”?  Does your mind immediately go to the “End of the world as we know it” lyrics (it’s a Classic Rock song, just ask Frank Wang)?  Perhaps (like me) you picture the “Terminator” movie (if you haven’t seen it, just ask Frank).  For some of our younger folks, it’s more likely to be “Avengers: Infinity War” (again, if you haven’t seen it, just ask Frank, but be prepared for a long explanation).  However, for some of our older folks, it might be the 1953 classic H. G. Wells film, “The War of the Worlds” (don’t know if Frank can help you with that one).

This Sunday, we’ve come to one of the Judgment Day passages in the New Testament.  2nd Peter, chapter 3 gives us some more information about the end of the world (as we know it).  Last week was warnings about false teachers, this week it’s warnings about failing to believe the truth. 

So, who do you think talked the most about judgment ­— Peter or Paul?  The person in the Bible who speaks the most about hell and judgment, more than everybody else put together, is Jesus … Prince of Peace, Lord of love.  You don’t believe me? You can look it up (or just ask Frank).

So why is this talk about judgment so prominent at the end of Peter’s letter?  He’s coming to the end of his life, and he wants us to know those truths that are most essential.  Why is this truth most essential?  Why are so many people fascinated by this truth, while at the same time, this truth is largely disregarded by those same people?  What do we do with hard truths?  We’ll be looking at all of those questions (and more) Sunday as we look at “Embracing Waiting.” 

And if you don’t get the answer you want, you know what to do (just ask Frank).  See you Sunday, Dr. Dave