This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Heart Prep for Sunday, September 29th

Have you ever tried to do the right thing and had people criticize you for it?  And so you changed what you were doing and did it the way you thought they wanted it done … and you still got criticized for it.  And by the same people!  If you do it this way, they get mad … and if you do it that way, they get mad.  No matter what you try to do … they get mad … and you can’t win.  And it’s massively frustrating.

Jesus knows what you feel like.  In our passage for this week, Mark 2:13-22, Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for eating with tax collectors and sinners.  How could He eat with such people?  But then they compared Him with themselves and other disciples who were fasting.  And so they criticized Him for eating at all!  He shouldn’t be eating with anyone, let alone “those people.”

Essentially, they were complaining that He was eating with bad people and not fasting like the good people (meaning themselves).  And Jesus (very graciously, I’m sure) let’s them know that they have no idea what they’re talking about.  And they have no idea what they’re talking about … because they have no idea who they’re talking to.

And I hope the lesson for us is that we would know who we're talking to … even more than what we’re talking about.  It’s a fascinating passage.  And the implications of this passage can be a little scary.  Which should make it very interesting.  See you Sunday, Dr. Dave