This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Heart Prep for Sunday, September 20th

This week we’re moving on from Rahab to Gideon in our sermon series on “Misused Stories of the Bible.”  We’ll be in Judges 6:36-40 and the famous story of Gideon “putting out a fleece” in order to have God confirm the instructions that He’s already given to Gideon.  It’s not just that Gideon doesn’t like the instructions God’s given him, but rather he’s terrified of the instructions God has given him (conquering a neighboring army, no big deal).  And so Gideon asks for a sign (the famous fleece) so he can be certain that’s what God really wants him to do.

And since God answers Gideon’s request for a sign (twice!), through the years lots of people have told others to “put out a fleece” so you can be sure of what God wants you to do.  Is that good advice?  Some say yes, after all, it worked for Gideon.  And some say no, you shouldn’t put God to the test (actually, Jesus said that).  So what should you do?  And more importantly, what’s your motivation for doing it?  And do you have to be certain … before you start?

So far, we’ve seen that the stories of Cain and Rahab revolved around faith.  The story of Gideon is about faith too, but it’s also about fear, and how we handle both.  How we handle the mixed emotions that come from both fear and faith (often at the same time) is a good marker of spiritual maturity, but it’s one that usually comes not from knowledge, but from experience.  I look forward to hearing what you think about “Gideon and His Fleece.”  See you Sunday, Dr. Dave


P.S. – Community Groups have started meeting, but it’s not too late to sign up on Realm.  Women’s Bible Studies and Joy Groups are starting soon too!