This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

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Heart Prep for Sunday, February 16th

I'm sitting here (on Tuesday) waiting for the snow to come down and blanket everything. Sometimes when the snow comes down, I'll go out and just listen and it's eerily quiet. It's as if the snow muffles everything. And it's delightful.But then you have to go back inside and deal with life, work, kids, cooking dinner, finishing the laundry (as I did this morning), and life...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, February 9th

This week, we're taking a break from Dr. Silvernail's Eras Tour through the last almost 30 years of sermons at Potomac Hills. Instead, I'll be kicking off a series in the book of Colossians that I've titled, "Christ Preeminent". So, this week's passage is Colossians 1:1-14. I encourage you to read and meditate on the passage in the lead up to Sunday because this passage is...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, February 2nd

Hard to believe it's almost February already. But my calendar says this coming Sunday is February 2nd and that's Groundhog Day (yes, I will be watching the movie), but it also means we're celebrating the Lord's Supper together and enjoying a Fellowship Lunch right after the service. So it will be a good day!This week we're going back to May of 1998 for a unique series I di...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, January 26th

Well, we seem to have survived last Sunday's Snow Day that didn't really start until after church would have been over with anyway, but I hope you enjoyed the day off at home and took it easy (we don't get many of those days).This week we're going back to 1998 for a unique series I did on the Book of Nehemiah. This sermon came at the end of that series and covered what can...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, January 19th

We're a few weeks into a new sermon series,"A Story to Remember"and this week we'll be going back to the Gospel of Matthew. Over the years, we've gone through Matthew a few times. We did the whole book from December 2012 through October of 2014, and at 23 months it was the second longest series I've ever done (the longest was Luke at 30 months). And more recently, about ha...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, January 12th

We've just started a new sermon series,"A Story to Remember"and this week we'll be going to the Book of Hebrews. Over the years, we've gone through Hebrews twice, but the first time was during our monthly evening service at St. David's Episcopal Church in Ashburn. Yes, we used to have an evening communion service once a month. And I preached a different sermon at that serv...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, January 5th

This Sunday ends the season of Christmas with Epiphany. For all you lapsed Anglicans (like me), this is Epiphany Sunday. Epiphany celebrates the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. And it's this Sunday because tradition says that the Wise Men came to visit the Christ Child twelve days after Christmas (and that's where "The Twelve Days of Christmas" comes from).It's al...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, December 29th

Merry Day after Christmas! I hope that you had a blessed Christmas day! For most, Christmas is a time of joy and merriment. For others, Christmas can be really difficult. Maybe they're missing a loved one for one reason or another. I'll bet that you know someone in both categories. Be sure to pray for both groups today and the rest of this week. Know that your pastors, eld...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, December 22nd

Advent is a season of "waiting" but what do you do when the "waiting" becomes difficult? As we've moved through the seasons of life, from having no kids, to little kids, to teens, to young adults, to grandkids, I've noticed that the whole idea of "waiting" takes on new meaning with each season. But for people, of any season of life, who are weary, or desperate, or disencha...

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Heart Prep for Sunday, December 15th

Advent is supposed to be a season of waiting, but it seems like it's going pretty fast this year. We're already up to the Third Sunday of Advent, and we'll be continuing with our series entitled,"Advent: Preparation through Remembering." This week we'll be looking at"The Birth of a King"fromMatthew 1:18-25. Last week we were introduced to the name,Immanuel, fromIsaiah 7:14...

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