The Plea of Moses (Exodus 33:1-23)
July 31, 2016 Speaker: James Murphy, Ruling Elder Series: Exodus - The Glory of the Lord
Topic: Sermons Passage: Exodus 33:1–23
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If you are like me, you see yourself in the stubborn Israelites. Like an immature and insecure child, I am too quick to be distracted and often get myself into trouble. Last week, we saw the Israelites bow down and worship the golden calf, while Moses was on the mountain in God’s presence. This week, we will see God deliver disastrous news to the Israelites. We will see them respond, and we will see ourselves as we witness how God deals with their disobedience.
We will also witness how Moses boldly interceded for his people and pleaded for mercy. God’s response to Moses’ audacious request is amazing. As we walk through this climatic chapter, I am confident that we will see ourselves. We will see our need for God’s continuing presence in our lives. We will see God’s goodness toward us.
I pray that we will also see Jesus in the passage Sunday, and I am excited about the opportunity to exhort you from His Word.
See you Sunday! – James Murphy, Ruling Elder

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