The Sin Against the Lord (Exodus 32:1-35)
July 24, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Dave Dorst Series: Exodus - The Glory of the Lord
Topic: Sermons Passage: Exodus 32:1–35
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If you’ve spent any time as a tourist in the financial district in New York City in the last 30 years, you’ve probably seen a statue that makes for a great photo op, the Charging Bull (or the Wall Street Bull). It’s, of course, a symbol of a bull market, strong and aggressive financial gains. And while it’s bronze (not gold) and people aren’t bowing to it as much as they are climbing on it for photo ops, it never fails to remind me of another statue built thousands of years ago that arose out of the people’s insecurities and fears. I’m speaking, of course, of the Golden Calf that Aaron built for the Israelites in the wilderness. In the midst of all of God’s instructions for the building of the tabernacle, the ordination of priests, and proper worship, we find this one chapter account (Exodus 32) of Israel totally blowing it and proving how little they deserve God’s love and protection. There is so much packed into this chapter, between the Lord’s and Moses’ reactions to this great sin, to Aaron’s pathetic self-justification, to the reward of a whole family for their obedience. I look forward to working through it together Sunday.
This summer is flying by. Our mission team had a wonderful return trip to Nassau last week and many of you are in and out for vacation. I know that it’s hard to keep up with things going on at church, but I’d love to encourage you to take a few minutes to sign up for the Church Retreat Day that’s happening on August 13th. This is the first time we’ve ever tried an all-church retreat, and the planning team has set up a great schedule for the day. You can go to to both register and pay for your family. We’ll see you Sunday! -Rev. Dorst
More in Exodus - The Glory of the Lord
August 28, 2016
The Glory of the Lord (Exodus 40:1-38)August 21, 2016
The Completion of the Lord's Work (Exodus 39:1-43)August 14, 2016
The Construction for the Lord (Exodus 35:1-38:31)