Moses Doubts the Lord (Exodus 4:10-17)
October 18, 2015 Speaker: Dr. David Silvernail Series: Exodus - The Glory of the Lord
Topic: Sermons Passage: Exodus 4:10–17
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Well, this week we come upon one of those passages where we’re reminded that Moses is a lot like us. In Exodus 4:10-17 we see that he keeps making excuses … just like us. Has anything like this ever come out of your mouth? “I don’t know enough about the Bible.” “I get nervous when I have to talk to new people.” “I’m not creative.” “I haven’t been a Christian long enough.” “My work keeps me too busy.” “I can’t sing.” “I don’t understand teenagers.” “I don’t know how to talk to old people.” “I’m not talented like ______.” “I’ve never been good at praying out loud.” Moses reminds us … of us. In the words of that immortal theologian, Pogo, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Moses had been standing there on the mountain arguing with God for quite a while, giving the Lord one seemingly logical reason after another why God’s plan just wasn’t going to work. By Moses’ human reasoning, God didn’t know what He was getting into or what He was asking Moses to do. But for every objection Moses made, God had an answer. Seeing that arguing about Pharaoh’s and the Israelite’s reactions was not getting him anywhere, Moses tried another tactic … he began to make excuses about his own inadequacy. He was a lousy public speaker! Something with which most preachers can identify!
The next time you hear an excuse coming out of your own mouth, think about this … when you allow your own feelings of inadequacy to prevent you from serving God, you’re taking on responsibility that God never intended you to have. Your ability is not the question. Your willingness to trust, obey, serve, and follow God is. God answers Moses in a odd way that actually reveals more of who He is, who we are, and what the Gospel is really all about. Let’s see what that is on Sunday. See you then, Dr. Dave
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