Wisdom is Kind
July 12, 2015 Speaker: Dr. David Silvernail Series: Wisdom for Life - A Series in the Book of Proverbs
Topic: Sermons Passage: Proverbs 3:27–3:28
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Well, summer is here and vacation travel is upon us. Many of us will be traveling this summer, visiting family, going to the beach, finding the amusement parks, and so on and so forth. Some of us will try to fit in as many activities as possible. Others of us just want to relax and take it easy. Let’s pray that our travels are safe … and our visits, wherever they are, are worthwhile. No matter what we do this summer, it’s inevitable that we’ll have to deal with other people along the way. Sometimes that’s enjoyable and refreshing … and sometimes it’s not. As we delve into the Book of Proverbs this summer, we’re considering how Proverbs gives us #WisdomforLife. But wisdom is needed not just for ourselves and for making our own decisions, but wisdom is also needed for how we deal with others. In fact, one of the things Proverbs teaches us is that our wisdom, our character, is revealed by how we deal with others.
This week we’ll look at a number of selected Proverbs that address how wisdom is revealed by how we deal with others. We’ll be focusing on Proverbs 3:27-35 and considering the topic, “Wisdom is Good and Kind.” Now, everyone thinks that they’re “a good person,” but we’ll get to compare how we view ourselves to the description of a good person in Proverbs. We’ll be asking questions like, “What does it really mean to be good?” And “Am I seen as a kind person by others?” Those questions are harder than they sound, but quite valuable as we apply this topic of wisdom to everyday life. I hope to see you Sunday, Dr. Dave
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