Guest Speaker: Rev. Mike Khandjian (Hosea 14:1-7)
June 1, 2014 Speaker: Rev. Mike Khandjian Series: Guest Speakers
Topic: Sermons Passage: Hosea 14:1–14:7
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We have another special Sunday coming up this week. We have the privilege of ordaining James Murphy to the office of Ruling Elder and Josh Weitz to the office of Deacon. They've been nominated and elected by you and been through (survived?) a thorough training program which prepared them to pass a Session examination on English Bible, The Westminster Confession of Faith, The PCA Book of Church Order, the Role of the Officer, and their own Call to Ministry. They shared their testimonies with you a few weeks ago. It's always an exciting day in the life of a church to ordain new officers. I hope you definitely plan on being there!
Additionally, please pray this weekend for our Officer Retreat. Once a year we take some time for the officers (pastors, elders, and deacons) to get away. These guys spend all year teaching, praying for, counseling, and serving everyone else in the church, therefore this retreat is designed to minister God's grace to each one of them. This year we have the privilege of having Rev. Mike Khandjian, the Senior Pastor of Chapelgate PCA near Baltimore, come and teach us from the book of Hosea. Mike will also be joining us Sundaymorning to preach God's Word during our worship service. I think you'll enjoy hearing from him. Mike blogs weekly at and it's worth checking out. I'm looking forward to Sunday! I hope you are too! Dr. Dave
PS - Don't forget this Sunday starts the Summer Sunday School schedule!
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