The Promise Of God, Genesis 12
July 3, 2011 Speaker: Rev. Jeff Lee Series: The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis
Topic: Sermons Passage: Genesis 12:1–12:9
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Our new pastoral intern, Jeff Lee's first sermon at Potomac Hills covers the first half of Genesis 12, which introduces us to Abram. Abram is the patriarch of three major world religions- Judaism, Christianity and Islam- and chapter 12 is the change from the wide view of Genesis to its narrowing down to focus on one family that starts the Hebrew nation. In these 9 verses, we see God's difficult commands to leave his people and his homeland for a new land. But accompanying these commands are great promises that God will make Abram's name great and bless the world through him. Abram obeys by journeying out and establishing altars to the Lord in the lands he travels through.
More in The God Who Is There- A Series in the Book of Genesis
July 29, 2012
God Meant It For Good, Genesis 50July 22, 2012
Final Words... Final Faith, Genesis 49-50July 8, 2012
Promises and Blessings, Genesis 47-48