This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

The Priests of the Lord (Exodus 29:1-46)

July 3, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Dave Dorst Series: Exodus - The Glory of the Lord

Topic: Sermons Passage: Exodus 29:1–46

Dr. Dave and I are both back from General Assembly, and from visiting parents and family in Florida. I’m feeling refreshed and motivated; Dave has aspirated pneumonia and prescribed 4-5 days of bed rest. So please pray for him. We are so thankful for everything that God is doing in our denomination. If you haven’t heard anything about it yet, a lot happened, but the 3 things that everybody’s talking about are: the new logo, the women in ministry study committee, and the racial reconciliation resolution. We’ll update you one of these Sunday mornings, but if you’d like a good feel of what GA is like (by a pastor near Baltimore), go to: If you want to know why the Racial Reconciliation overture was so important, here’s a great article entitled “Reflections from a Black Pastor on the PCA’s Overture on Racial Reconciliation”:

We are also thankful that God has blessed Potomac Hills with so many great members who use their gifts well. We heard glowing reports after three men in their 20s (Shane Morris, Josh Kamakawiwoole, Eli Rist) taught adult SS/preached/led music for the first time. It’s exciting to see God raising up faithful servants in each generation. I’ll pick up the baton from Josh to move our Exodus narrative forward. Last week he preached on Exodus 28 and the instructions for the priests and did a great job making that text come alive. This week is chapter 29, also about priests, but this time describing their ordination. We’ve got our own ordination rituals for officers in our churches and I’m glad they’re not exactly the same as they were back then. Let’s work through the text on Sunday; we’ll also commission our mission trip heading to Nassau the following week and celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. -Rev. Dorst