This Sunday's Worship Materials can be found in the "Featured Sermon" below. We meet in person at Harper Park Middle School, and the service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

The King Demands Powerful Faith (Matthew 21:18-22)

April 27, 2014 Speaker: Rev. Jeff Lee Series: The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew

Topic: Sermons Passage: Matthew 21:18–21:22

It's Youth Sunday! All of Potomac Hill's middle and high school students will be helping to lead the church service.  What a wonderful blessing it will be to witness the students of the church lead us in worship. These students will be the future leaders of the church! Pray for them as they lead us this coming Sunday.

This Sunday we are going to be asking the question, "Who or what is the object of your faith?" Many of us can give lip service to that question, but often times our heart's desires don't match our words. As Jesus nears the end of His earthly life, He takes a moment to teach His disciples an important object lesson from a fig tree.

As we look at Matthew 21:18-22, we are going to quickly realize that if Jesus isn't the object of our faith, we will be subject to judgment, and moving mountains through prayer will be impossible! Powerful prayer comes from powerful faith in Jesus, and in Jesus alone. Come Sunday and learn about the power of faith and prayer.

See you at Harper Park on Sunday!

- Rev. Lee

More in The King and His Kingdom! - A Series in the Book of Matthew

October 26, 2014

The Commission of the King (Matthew 28:16-20)

October 19, 2014

The Resurrection of the King (Matthew 28:1-15)

October 12, 2014

All is Lost (Matthew 27:57-66)